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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - construction


Связанные словари


 noun  Date: 14th century  1. the act or result of construing, interpreting, or explaining  2.  a. the process, art, or manner of constructing something; also a thing constructed  b. the ~ industry working in ~  3. the arrangement and connection of words or groups of words in a sentence ; syntactical arrangement  4. a sculpture that is put together out of separate pieces of often disparate materials  • ~al adjective  • ~ally adverb
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См. в других словарях

  n. 1 the act or a mode of constructing. 2 a thing constructed. 3 an interpretation or explanation (they put a generous construction on his act). 4 Gram. an arrangement of words according to syntactical rules. Derivatives constructional adj. constructionally adv. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L constructio -onis (as construct) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) строительство; стройка; 2) строение; сооружение; здание 3) конструкция 4) конструирование 5) матем. построение; составление 6) структура 7) трикотажное переплетение construction in dry — гидр. строительство насухо (напр.перемычкой), under construction — в стадии строительства (об объекте) - construction of diagram - additional construction - auxiliary construction - avalanche-protection construction - bagged-out construction - balanced construction - basic construction - BBC construction - beam-and-girder construction - bearing-wall construction - block construction - breadboard construction - brick construction - bucket shell tine construction - building construction - building block construction - cap-and-base-tread construction - cellular construction - columnal construction - composite construction - cross-wall construction - double-wall construction - dry-wall construction - dry construction - engine module construction - field facilities construction - fire-resistant construction - flat-slab construction - folded-plate construction - frame construction - geometrical construction - geometric construction - girderless construction - heavy-wall construction - hipped-plate construction - hollow-core construction - hollow-wood construction - hologram construction - image construction - integral body construction - irrigation and drainage construction - layer-built construction - leakproof construction - lift-slab construction - modular construction - multiply construction - noncombustible construction - one-piece construction - orbiter-based construction - packwall construction - pan construction - planar construction - pneumatic construction - prefabricated construction - rammed-earth construction - reclamation construction - sandwich construction - semihydraulic construction - shell construction - shingled construction of tank - skeleton...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  строительство, постройка, возведение конструкция; конструктивная система; сооружение схема устройства построение (напр. эпюры) construction performed by the owner's own forces construction to close tolerances construction of floor joints construction of formwork construction of infrastructures accelerated construction acoustic construction adobe construction airport construction all-steel construction alternate bay construction alternate lane construction arched construction arctic construction balanced cantilever construction balloon frame construction beam construction beam-and-column construction beam-and-girder construction bearing construction bolted construction brick-veneer construction bridge construction fully supported on staging building construction cantilever construction capital construction carry-over construction cast-in-place construction cast-in-place and precast construction cold-formed steel construction cold weather construction composite construction composite floor construction concrete construction concrete-masonry construction concrete masonry unit construction concrete monolithic construction continuous deck construction cost-effective construction cross-wall construction discontinuous construction engineered brick construction engineering constructions external construction exposed to the weather fast construction filler-joist construction fireproof construction flat slab construction floor construction folded-plate construction force polygon construction formed steel construction frame construction girderless floor construction graphical construction heavy construction high-rise construction hung floor construction industrialized construction in-situ reinforced concrete construction large panel construction large precast concrete panel construction lift-slab construction light-gauge steel construction light noncombustible constructions lightweight construction lightweight building construction marine...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  конструкция; структура – modular construction – rack-and-panel construction ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) сооружение, строительство 2) конструирование 3) конструкция 4) матем. построение 5) строение; сооружение 6) структура construction subsidized by public funds — строительство, финансируемое из общественных фондов constructions on a stereogram — матем. построения на стереографической проекции - a priori construction - abstract construction - aircraft construction - algebraic construction - approximate construction - auxiliary construction - axiomatic construction - bottom-up construction - breadboard construction - bridging construction - built-up construction - cast-in-place construction - code construction - composite construction - cone construction - construction of graph - construction of hypothesis - curve construction - cylindric construction - deductive construction - difference construction - direct construction - dual construction - dust-ignition-proof construction - dust-tight construction - effective construction - elementary construction - empirical construction - folded plate construction - formal construction - formative construction - formula construction - frameless construction - general recursive construction - geometrical construction - graphic construction - harmonic construction - inductive construction - invariant construction - large-block construction - large-panel construction - lumber core construction - mechanical construction - metal construction - model construction - motor car construction - open construction - parallel construction - pointwise construction - projectively invariant construction - sandwich construction - secondary construction - shell-type construction - skeleton construction - spatial construction - splash-proof construction - steel construction - strategy construction - test construction - top-down construction - tropicalized construction - welded construction ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) конструкция 2) толкование 3) структура – construction of claim – composite construction – logical construction – restrictive construction – unit construction CONSTRUCTION сущ. 1) строительство, стройка 2) строение, здание • - advancing of construction - be under construction - building construction - capital construction - construction budget - construction contract - construction cost - construction costs - construction documents - construction economics - construction engineer - construction engineering - construction firm - construction in process - construction in progress - construction industry - construction loan agreement - construction loan - construction management - construction manager - construction materials - construction methods - construction module - construction of a theory - construction operations - construction order - construction period - construction put in place - construction regulations - construction safety regulation - construction schedule - construction standard specifications - construction supervising authority - construction technique - construction technology - construction work - contract construction - contract for construction of a project - contract for the construction - cost of construction - housing construction - incompleted construction - industrialized housing construction - new construction Syn: structure, building, unit ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. строительство, стройка; конструирование housing construction —- жилищное строительство construction industry —- строительная промышленность, строительство construction enfineering —- строительная техника construction plant (site) —- строительная площадка construction work —- строительные работы construction department —- постановочно-отделочный цех (киностудии) C. Corps —- воен. инженерно-строительные части to be under (in the course of) construction —- строиться 2. конструкция, сооружение 3. постройка, здание 4. истолкование, объяснение to put a wrong construction on smb.'s action —- неправильно истолковать чей-л. поступок the statement does not bear such a construction —- это заявление не может быть истолковано подобным образом 5. составление программы управления машиной 6. грам. конструкция infinitive construction —- инфинитивная конструкция, конструкция с инфинитивом 7. построение (геометрическое) 8. составление (уравнения) 9. иск. работа в конструктивистском стиле ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  engineering строительная техника CONSTRUCTION plant строительная площадка CONSTRUCTION timber строительный лесоматериал CONSTRUCTION noun  1) строительство, стройка - under construction  2) строение, здание  3) истолкование he puts the best (worst) construction on everything - он все перетолковывает в лучшую (худшую) сторону  4) gram. конструкция (предложения и т.п.)  5) math. построение  6) art произведение в конструктивистском стиле  7) attr. строительный - construction engineering - construction plant - construction timber ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (constructions) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Construction is the building of things such as houses, factories, roads, and bridges. He’d already started construction on a hunting lodge. ...the only nuclear power station under construction in Britain. ...the downturn in the construction industry... ? demolition N-UNCOUNT 2. The construction of something such as a vehicle or machine is the making of it. ...companies who have long experience in the construction of those types of equipment... With the exception of teak, this is the finest wood for boat construction. N-UNCOUNT: with supp 3. The construction of something such as a system is the creation of it. ...the construction of a just system of criminal justice. = creation N-UNCOUNT: with poss 4. You can refer to an object that has been built or made as a construction. The British pavilion is an impressive steel and glass construction the size of Westminster Abbey. = structure N-COUNT: usu supp N 5. You use construction to refer to the structure of something and the way it has been built or made. The Shakers believed that furniture should be plain, simple, useful, practical and of sound construction... The chairs were light in construction yet extremely strong. N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp 6. A grammatical construction is a particular arrangement of words in a sentence, clause, or phrase. Avoid complex verbal constructions. = structure N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »BUILDINGS/ROADS ETC« the process or method of building large buildings, bridges, roads etc  (Local labor is used in the construction of the dam. | the construction industry | construction site (=the place where something is being constructed) | under construction (=being built))  (When we got to the hotel, it was still under construction.) 2 »MAKING STH USING MANY PARTS« the process or method of building or making something using many parts  (Titanium is used in the construction of aircraft fuselages.) 3 »PHRASE« the order in which certain words are put together in a sentence, phrase etc  (difficult grammatical constructions) 4 »STH BUILT« formal something that has been built  (a strange construction made of wood and glass) 5 »IDEAS/KNOWLEDGE« the method or process of forming something from knowledge or ideas  (the construction of sociological theory) 6 of simple/strong etc construction formal built in a simple way, built to be strong etc  (Your home is not secure if the doors are not of strong construction.) 7 put a construction on formal to think that a statement has a particular meaning or that something was done for a particular reason  (The judge put an entirely different construction on his remarks.) - constructional adj ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 14c., from L. constructionem, from pp. stem of construere "pile up together, build," from com- "together" + struere "to pile up." Constructive is from early 15c. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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